Top Fashion Accessories Tips
1. Pick a good vintage
The second of the three Rs, "reuse," is there for a good reason--granting an existing item a second lease on life, instead of purchasing brand new, means no new manufacturing resources had to be tapped into. As a bonus, we're spared from any additional pollution and carbon emissions.
2. Make it a fair trade
Shelling out for fairly traded gear supports fair labor conditions and workers' rights, especially in developing countries. Helping producers get a fair price for their labors and promoting self-reliance also empowers them to break the cycle of poverty they're often caught in. Just keep in mind that trade, not aid, is the answer to improving livelihoods everywhere.
3. Repurpose for a purpose
Because the mining of precious gems and metals from the earth is an environmentally ravaging process, some jewelry designers have been taking a different, more eco-friendly tack. Recycled metals have been making their rounds of late, including a form of silver that is reclaimed from used photographic film. For your green wedding: engagement and wedding rings made from recycled gold and set with repurposed or lab-grown gems.
4. Suss out sustainable
Accessories made from sustainably produced or recycled materials are lovely to behold and kind to the planet. On the fabric front, choose textiles such as organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, and even soysilk.
5. Beg or borrow
Plunder the contents of someone else's closet—with permission, natch—instead of shopping for your own. One company, Bag Borrow or Steal, even lets you rent as many as five designer handbags, belts, or pieces of jewelry at a time for a flat monthly membership fee (plus an additional fee per borrowed item). You can sate your desire for straight-off-the-runway ensembles without overtaxing the planet's resources.
6. Buy conflict-free
Conflict or "blood" diamonds are sold, often illicitly, in war zones and used by rebel movements to fuel conflict and human-rights abuses in countries such as Angola, Cote d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sierra Leone. Make sure your diamond retailer can provide paperwork or otherwise prove that the diamonds are conflict-free.
7. Take care of your wares
Repair a torn purse strap or restring a broken necklace instead of consigning slightly damaged goods to the rubbish heap. Treating your accessories with a little TLC will also go a long way to extending their longevity, which is kinder to the environment than running through a series of semi-disposable replacements.
8. Brevity is the soul of wit
Accessories are meant to complement your outfit, not take it over. And, anyway, wouldn't you rather be remembered for your sparkling wit rather than that blinding hunk of ice that was weighing your neck down? Jewelry that is simple and classic will stand you in good stead, regardless of the occasion—or decade, for that matter. Which brings us to our next point.
9. Don't go with the flow
Pilot your own fashion destiny and unchain your heart from the vagaries of fashion trends. Being a follower instead of a leader will only bring you to a dark place filled with tears and the gnashing of teeth, plus a closet and dresser full of dated gewgaws and doodads that have long fallen out of favor with the fashion gods. One word: poncho.
10. Buy indie
Think of "mall" as a four-letter word. Instead of shopping at a big-box retailer, which is likely to cut corners by purchasing from sweat shops, undercompensating employees, and cheapening quality, check out the offerings of one of the thousands of indie crafters bringing their creative talents to market. Because craft businesses tend to be small one- or two-person operations, their carbon footprints are infinitely smaller to those of multinational retailers such as Wal-mart or Kmart. By supporting independent artisans, you're also taking a stand against the onslaught of crass commercialization and unmindful consumerism. Viva la revolution!
Source: Planet Green
Author: Jasmin Malik Chua
Top Fashion Accessories Tips
1. Pick a good vintage
The second of the three Rs, "reuse," is there for a good reason--granting an existing item a second lease on life, instead of purchasing brand new, means no new manufacturing resources had to be tapped into. As a bonus, we're spared from any additional pollution and carbon emissions.
2. Make it a fair trade
Shelling out for fairly traded gear supports fair labor conditions and workers' rights, especially in developing countries. Helping producers get a fair price for their labors and promoting self-reliance also empowers them to break the cycle of poverty they're often caught in. Just keep in mind that trade, not aid, is the answer to improving livelihoods everywhere.
3. Repurpose for a purpose
Because the mining of precious gems and metals from the earth is an environmentally ravaging process, some jewelry designers have been taking a different, more eco-friendly tack. Recycled metals have been making their rounds of late, including a form of silver that is reclaimed from used photographic film. For your green wedding: engagement and wedding rings made from recycled gold and set with repurposed or lab-grown gems.
4. Suss out sustainable
Accessories made from sustainably produced or recycled materials are lovely to behold and kind to the planet. On the fabric front, choose textiles such as organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, and even soysilk.
5. Beg or borrow
Plunder the contents of someone else's closet—with permission, natch—instead of shopping for your own. One company, Bag Borrow or Steal, even lets you rent as many as five designer handbags, belts, or pieces of jewelry at a time for a flat monthly membership fee (plus an additional fee per borrowed item). You can sate your desire for straight-off-the-runway ensembles without overtaxing the planet's resources.
6. Buy conflict-free
Conflict or "blood" diamonds are sold, often illicitly, in war zones and used by rebel movements to fuel conflict and human-rights abuses in countries such as Angola, Cote d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sierra Leone. Make sure your diamond retailer can provide paperwork or otherwise prove that the diamonds are conflict-free.
7. Take care of your wares
Repair a torn purse strap or restring a broken necklace instead of consigning slightly damaged goods to the rubbish heap. Treating your accessories with a little TLC will also go a long way to extending their longevity, which is kinder to the environment than running through a series of semi-disposable replacements.
8. Brevity is the soul of wit
Accessories are meant to complement your outfit, not take it over. And, anyway, wouldn't you rather be remembered for your sparkling wit rather than that blinding hunk of ice that was weighing your neck down? Jewelry that is simple and classic will stand you in good stead, regardless of the occasion—or decade, for that matter. Which brings us to our next point.
9. Don't go with the flow
Pilot your own fashion destiny and unchain your heart from the vagaries of fashion trends. Being a follower instead of a leader will only bring you to a dark place filled with tears and the gnashing of teeth, plus a closet and dresser full of dated gewgaws and doodads that have long fallen out of favor with the fashion gods. One word: poncho.
10. Buy indie
Think of "mall" as a four-letter word. Instead of shopping at a big-box retailer, which is likely to cut corners by purchasing from sweat shops, undercompensating employees, and cheapening quality, check out the offerings of one of the thousands of indie crafters bringing their creative talents to market. Because craft businesses tend to be small one- or two-person operations, their carbon footprints are infinitely smaller to those of multinational retailers such as Wal-mart or Kmart. By supporting independent artisans, you're also taking a stand against the onslaught of crass commercialization and unmindful consumerism. Viva la revolution!
Source: Planet Green
Author: Jasmin Malik Chua
Best 10 Popular Fashion Accessories
Many women are very concerned about fashion. At the same time, however, many women do not have all of the accessories that are needed to stay on top of fashion. Here are just 10 of the most important fashion accessories that any woman should consider investing in. These fashion accessories will be necessary during any time of the year!
Popular Fashion Accessories
1. Headband
Every woman needs at least one headband, but owning more than one is preferable. There are so many different colors, designs, textures and widths available for you to choose from. They can be worn with long or short hair in almost any single hairstyle.
2. Bangle Bracelets
Bangle bracelets are one fashion trend that seems to have remained the past few years. Whether you choose bangles made from wood, plastic or just about any other material, it is likely that they will look great with almost any outfit.
3. Cocktail Rings
Cocktail rings come in all different shapes and sizes. Generally, they are priced fairly reasonable, depending on where you purchase them, which is why you may want to consider buying more than one. They can be worn both casually and formally.
4. Boots With Fur
Whether you decide to purchase an expensive pair, such as Uggs, or you buy a cheaper variation, you will want to consider investing in a pair of boots with fur trim. Not only are they very worn, but they are also versatile. In the winter, they can be worn with jeans or sweats and in the summer, they can be worn with a skirt. There are also many different heights to choose from.
5. Sunglasses
Not only are sunglasses very important for protecting your eyes from the sun, especially when driving, but they can also be very fashionable. Consider choosing a pair with a hot, flashy color or design, such as cheetah print. Studded sunglasses are also very popular.
6. Bobby Pins
Bobby pins can be very important to creating different hairstyles, whether they be updos or half updos. They can be very boring when you buy plain bobby pins, but it is possible to find decorative bobby pins. Whether you want flowers or butterflies, this can really dress up your hairstyles quite a bit.
7. Skinny Jeans
Although many women feel that skinny jeans are unflattering, the opposite is true. Skinny jeans look great on almost anyone. Consider choosing a darker pair for the slimmest look. If you are still uncomfortable with the idea, consider a pair of boot cut jeans instead.
8. Flat Shoes
If you do decide to purchase skinny jeans, a pair of flat shoes is going to be necessary if you want to wear them in the warmer months. They can also be worn with other outfits, of course. Luckily, there are so many types of flat shoes on the market to choose from, ranging in colors and designs. You should be able to find a pair that’s right for you.
9. Small Handbag
If you are someone who buys medium to large sized handbags, you may want to consider investing in at least one small handbag. Not only are they very useful for certain occasions, but they are also highly fashionable.
10. Black Dress
Whether you are planning on spending a night out on the town, going to a wedding or anything else, a black dress is going to be necessary for you to have. It is often said that every woman should own a "little black dress" and this statement couldn't be any more true.
Author: Garima Mehta
Best 10 Popular Fashion Accessories
Many women are very concerned about fashion. At the same time, however, many women do not have all of the accessories that are needed to stay on top of fashion. Here are just 10 of the most important fashion accessories that any woman should consider investing in. These fashion accessories will be necessary during any time of the year!
Popular Fashion Accessories
1. Headband
Every woman needs at least one headband, but owning more than one is preferable. There are so many different colors, designs, textures and widths available for you to choose from. They can be worn with long or short hair in almost any single hairstyle.
2. Bangle Bracelets
Bangle bracelets are one fashion trend that seems to have remained the past few years. Whether you choose bangles made from wood, plastic or just about any other material, it is likely that they will look great with almost any outfit.
3. Cocktail Rings
Cocktail rings come in all different shapes and sizes. Generally, they are priced fairly reasonable, depending on where you purchase them, which is why you may want to consider buying more than one. They can be worn both casually and formally.
4. Boots With Fur
Whether you decide to purchase an expensive pair, such as Uggs, or you buy a cheaper variation, you will want to consider investing in a pair of boots with fur trim. Not only are they very worn, but they are also versatile. In the winter, they can be worn with jeans or sweats and in the summer, they can be worn with a skirt. There are also many different heights to choose from.
5. Sunglasses
Not only are sunglasses very important for protecting your eyes from the sun, especially when driving, but they can also be very fashionable. Consider choosing a pair with a hot, flashy color or design, such as cheetah print. Studded sunglasses are also very popular.
6. Bobby Pins
Bobby pins can be very important to creating different hairstyles, whether they be updos or half updos. They can be very boring when you buy plain bobby pins, but it is possible to find decorative bobby pins. Whether you want flowers or butterflies, this can really dress up your hairstyles quite a bit.
7. Skinny Jeans
Although many women feel that skinny jeans are unflattering, the opposite is true. Skinny jeans look great on almost anyone. Consider choosing a darker pair for the slimmest look. If you are still uncomfortable with the idea, consider a pair of boot cut jeans instead.
8. Flat Shoes
If you do decide to purchase skinny jeans, a pair of flat shoes is going to be necessary if you want to wear them in the warmer months. They can also be worn with other outfits, of course. Luckily, there are so many types of flat shoes on the market to choose from, ranging in colors and designs. You should be able to find a pair that’s right for you.
9. Small Handbag
If you are someone who buys medium to large sized handbags, you may want to consider investing in at least one small handbag. Not only are they very useful for certain occasions, but they are also highly fashionable.
10. Black Dress
Whether you are planning on spending a night out on the town, going to a wedding or anything else, a black dress is going to be necessary for you to have. It is often said that every woman should own a "little black dress" and this statement couldn't be any more true.
Author: Garima Mehta
Alyssa Milano tattoo
Alyssa Milano. Who Is The Boss Anyway?Depending on how old or young you are you might or might not remeber the little hottie 11 year old that played Samantha on Who's The Boss. If you were born in the 1970's then the chances are you do remeber her and thought she was a little hottie. If you were born after the 1970's then you might know her from her more recent television sucess on Charmed
update, downturn
Yes i know I'm a sonuvabich. haint poted in way too long. But da snow she has come to coastal Maine this weekend. I went and Spun records at the martini bar in Bangor (really, people go out in downtown bangor these days!)I will be playing again on Dec. 20th from 10-1 (no cover) with MAGNUS & DJPARADISE (me) an all dub show, in Westmarket Square Bangor at RED MARTINI. and yes i will put up some new photos. maybe even revamp the whole thing....
Madonna, the New Face of Louis Vuitton
Madonna might be facing a tough time dealing with her ongoing divorce battle, but when it comes to career, she’s definitely on a roll. Madonna is the latest face of French luxury brand Louis Vuitton, according to a new report.
After Jennifer Lopez, Uma Thurman and Scarlett Johansson, Madonna will be seen endorsing the brand, it has emerged.
The pop star has reportedly been signed on as the face of the fashion giant''s Spring 2009 campaign, and a superstar team has been lined-up for the collaboration, reports Contactmusic.
Celebrity fashion photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott have reportedly teamed up to shoot Madonna for the project.
Madonna, the New Face of Louis Vuitton
Madonna might be facing a tough time dealing with her ongoing divorce battle, but when it comes to career, she’s definitely on a roll. Madonna is the latest face of French luxury brand Louis Vuitton, according to a new report.
After Jennifer Lopez, Uma Thurman and Scarlett Johansson, Madonna will be seen endorsing the brand, it has emerged.
The pop star has reportedly been signed on as the face of the fashion giant''s Spring 2009 campaign, and a superstar team has been lined-up for the collaboration, reports Contactmusic.
Celebrity fashion photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott have reportedly teamed up to shoot Madonna for the project.
The 24-Karat Designer Handbag
Holiday shoppers stuck between the gift of a handbag or a piece of jewelry can rest easy. A flood of deluxe designer bags, embellished with precious metals and stones, has rendered the question moot.
Judith Leiber, the Hungarian-born designer and author of "The Artful Handbag," covered this territory for decades, creating dazzling minaudières, or evening bags, for first ladies and Hollywood starlets. New are the jewelers who have popped up in her likeness.
A fine, if extreme, example, is the "platinum bijoux" evening bag from Tanaka Kikinzoku Jewelry, of Japan, bedecked with 208 carats of diamonds. Weighing in at 800 grams, or 1.8 pounds, the one-of-a-kind bag required a year to complete and is now on offer for ¥200 million, or $2 million. It was originally intended to serve as a showpiece. But Naoto (Nick) Mizuki, general manager of marketing, says the company is considering a line of similar bags, at somewhat lower prices.
It was only a matter of time. Between a bag and a jewel, each costing $2,000, "it's much easier to sell the handbag," the New York-based designer Kara Ross said. "There's such a romantic connotation to fine jewelry. A woman may want it but will go home and ask her husband to buy it."
Author: Victoria Gomelsky
Read the full story here
The 24-Karat Designer Handbag
Holiday shoppers stuck between the gift of a handbag or a piece of jewelry can rest easy. A flood of deluxe designer bags, embellished with precious metals and stones, has rendered the question moot.
Judith Leiber, the Hungarian-born designer and author of "The Artful Handbag," covered this territory for decades, creating dazzling minaudières, or evening bags, for first ladies and Hollywood starlets. New are the jewelers who have popped up in her likeness.
A fine, if extreme, example, is the "platinum bijoux" evening bag from Tanaka Kikinzoku Jewelry, of Japan, bedecked with 208 carats of diamonds. Weighing in at 800 grams, or 1.8 pounds, the one-of-a-kind bag required a year to complete and is now on offer for ¥200 million, or $2 million. It was originally intended to serve as a showpiece. But Naoto (Nick) Mizuki, general manager of marketing, says the company is considering a line of similar bags, at somewhat lower prices.
It was only a matter of time. Between a bag and a jewel, each costing $2,000, "it's much easier to sell the handbag," the New York-based designer Kara Ross said. "There's such a romantic connotation to fine jewelry. A woman may want it but will go home and ask her husband to buy it."
Author: Victoria Gomelsky
Read the full story here
Cherry Blossom Tree Tattoo
Cherry blossom tattoo is one of the most favored designs specifically among women and its popularity is undoubtedly still increasing. These flowers are favorite subjects of paintings and poems in Japan and hold a very prominent position in Japanese culture.Cherry Blossom Tree TattooCherry Blossom Tree Tattoo
Flaming Dagger
Celebrities with their Stylish Headbands
Nowadays, headbands have become popular not just because of their practical purposes (to hold hair away from the face or eyes) but also because of their fashion purposes. In fact, they also become one of the most loved fashion accessories for women because they add style and glamour to their hairstyle making them look more fabulous and hot.
Check out some Famous Celebrities wearing their their own Stylish Headbands.
Celebrities with their Stylish Headbands
Nowadays, headbands have become popular not just because of their practical purposes (to hold hair away from the face or eyes) but also because of their fashion purposes. In fact, they also become one of the most loved fashion accessories for women because they add style and glamour to their hairstyle making them look more fabulous and hot.
Check out some Famous Celebrities wearing their their own Stylish Headbands.
Douche Tribal Tat
1. Tribal (chain ?) tat - check
2. Face expression that makes it uncomfortable to be with him in the same room - check
3. You can see his underwear - check
4. Ugly circle tats around nipples and navel - triple check
Yes, you pass the douche tat test, congratulations ! Now you can put your shirt on and don't forget to pop the collar.
Purpose of Tattoo
Tattoos have served as rites of passage, marks of status and rank, symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations for bravery, sexual lures and marks of fertility, pledges of love, punishment, amulets and talismans, protection, and as the marks of outcasts, slaves and convicts. The symbolism and impact of tattoos varies in different places and cultures, sometimes with unintended
Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs
Cherry Blossom Tattoo DesignsCherry blossom tattoo - what does it symbolizeEven if these flowers are mostly associated with Japan, they are also a part of China’s culture as well but represent an entirely different meaning as how it is traditionally observed in Japan. It would be therefore interesting to know as what cherry blossom tattoo symbolizes in relation to how the flower is celebrated in
Celebrity tattoos
Tattoo is a well known symbol of fashion today. It is just not some body and skin modification, it is an art and the tendency of millions to express passion and desires in a non-verbal but effective way.This is the trend which existed in past, ruling the style of present and will establish itself even in a stronger position in the future. Now, who can be better than a bunch of celebrities to
Girl Tattoos
While most tattoos are still applied to men, girls and women are also getting into the act. The popularity of tattoos among girls and ladies has increased and so has their acceptance. This is due largely to an increase in celebrities happily sporting them.Tattoos for girls are typically more feminine in nature. They are generally smaller and more delicate with thinner lines and are usually
Modern Reawakening of the tradition of Tattoo
Tattoos have experienced resurgence in popularity in many parts of the world, particularly in North America, Japan, and Europe. The growth in tattoo culture has seen an influx of new artists into the industry, many of whom have technical and fine arts training. Coupled with dvancements in tattoo pigments and the ongoing refinement of the equipment used for tattooing, this has led to an
Chinese Tattoo
The art of tattooing in China actually dates back much farther then its in the West. Until very late in the 20th century and mainly in the early 21st century, tattooing becomes fashion in the West. The art of tattooing has a long history in Asian including China, Japan, and even Thailand. What are ironic about these are Chinese tattoos were mostly used in many of the Asian cultures to mark
Tattoo Me Now Review
Tattoo Me Now is a tattoo design membership site that allows you to download and print an unlimited number of tattoo designs from it’s database. You can take these designs directly to your favorite tattoo shop, or use them to create your own custom design.Unlike the other tattoo design sites that only offer tattoo designs, Tattoo Me Now offers an entire community, with a forum, tattoo picture
Guide on How to Spot Authentic or Replica Designer Handbags
With so many varieties of handbags available in the market, it's really quite difficult to distinguish what is genuine or fake designer handbag. So you need to be smart enough in dealing with them. Here are some tips to help you easily spot an authentic or replica designer handbag.
Designer Handbag Tip #1:SCRUTINIZE first the material of the handbag carefully. The quality of the material is one of the best ways to know if it's knock-off or not since most fake suppliers or manufacturers will always use secondary material for manufacturing replica designer handbags. It is therefore will give you a smart idea about the originality of these products.
Designer Handbag Tip #2:
Make sure that the handbag comes with attractive packaging. Since fake manufacturers or suppliers are not able to match those packaging of the original designer handbags, this can be a great tip to easily identify fake handbags. While the handbag itself may be hard to examine, its packaging can provide certain clues on whether it's a fake or not. Always be aware for its important small details such as labels, tags, authenticity cards and even dust boxes which will give you some hints in their real identities.Try to look for its emblem tags. Emblem tags can be attached to the corner of the handbag, just inside the straps or maybe attached to its zipper. Authentic designer handbags will often have extra trademark or stitching which make them truly different from any knockoff handbags. This emblem tag includes the "Creed", a code of letters and numbers that specify its uniqueness to any other designer handbags and having any spaces on it will mean that the handbag is a fake.
Does it have an authenticity card? If it doesn't have and it's for sure it's a knockoff. Be sure to check it first before accepting the product or ask the seller why it’s not included with your purchase. This is very important to do since leading designer handbags will all have some form of identification or authenticity card that shows where the handbag was manufactured, and even might include a receipt of production.
Designer Handbag Tip #3:
Look closely at the logo designs. These are very difficult to imitate or copy completely, and many replica handbags simply use a variation of the original design. This can involve a slight color change, inconsistent printing, or upside down letters. Whatever the case may be, make sure you learn as much as possible about the original before you end up buying a copy or look-a-like.
With all these simple steps keeping in mind we can take a decision about the fakeness of the handbags and can save a lot of money.
Guide on How to Spot Authentic or Replica Designer Handbags
With so many varieties of handbags available in the market, it's really quite difficult to distinguish what is genuine or fake designer handbag. So you need to be smart enough in dealing with them. Here are some tips to help you easily spot an authentic or replica designer handbag.
Designer Handbag Tip #1:SCRUTINIZE first the material of the handbag carefully. The quality of the material is one of the best ways to know if it's knock-off or not since most fake suppliers or manufacturers will always use secondary material for manufacturing replica designer handbags. It is therefore will give you a smart idea about the originality of these products.
Designer Handbag Tip #2:
Make sure that the handbag comes with attractive packaging. Since fake manufacturers or suppliers are not able to match those packaging of the original designer handbags, this can be a great tip to easily identify fake handbags. While the handbag itself may be hard to examine, its packaging can provide certain clues on whether it's a fake or not. Always be aware for its important small details such as labels, tags, authenticity cards and even dust boxes which will give you some hints in their real identities.Try to look for its emblem tags. Emblem tags can be attached to the corner of the handbag, just inside the straps or maybe attached to its zipper. Authentic designer handbags will often have extra trademark or stitching which make them truly different from any knockoff handbags. This emblem tag includes the "Creed", a code of letters and numbers that specify its uniqueness to any other designer handbags and having any spaces on it will mean that the handbag is a fake.
Does it have an authenticity card? If it doesn't have and it's for sure it's a knockoff. Be sure to check it first before accepting the product or ask the seller why it’s not included with your purchase. This is very important to do since leading designer handbags will all have some form of identification or authenticity card that shows where the handbag was manufactured, and even might include a receipt of production.
Designer Handbag Tip #3:
Look closely at the logo designs. These are very difficult to imitate or copy completely, and many replica handbags simply use a variation of the original design. This can involve a slight color change, inconsistent printing, or upside down letters. Whatever the case may be, make sure you learn as much as possible about the original before you end up buying a copy or look-a-like.
With all these simple steps keeping in mind we can take a decision about the fakeness of the handbags and can save a lot of money.
The Fashion Side of Beijing Olympics
Check out here some photos covering the fashion side of Beijing Olympics
Models and athletes walk down the runway on April 30, 2008 wearing a selection of the Bay's Olympic apparel line that Canadian athletes will be provided with for the Beijing games.
Find out more here.
The Fashion Side of Beijing Olympics
Check out here some photos covering the fashion side of Beijing Olympics
Models and athletes walk down the runway on April 30, 2008 wearing a selection of the Bay's Olympic apparel line that Canadian athletes will be provided with for the Beijing games.
Find out more here.
Victoria Beckham Tattoo
Now Victoria Beckham reveals HEVictoria Beckham Tattooer growing cluster of tattoos, a new script inked underneath her Roman numeral tattoo.Look at me: Posh points the way to her new tattoo, seen on the inside of her wrist as she launched her denim line at Saks department store in Boston last nightA sleek-looking Victoria struck a series of poses at the meet and greet for fans, and took the
David Beckham Tattoo
David Beckham TattooDavid Beckham Has Tattoo of Naked VictoriaThe new image was designed by David`s personal tattooist Lou Malloy and is his 11th piece of body art.David Beckham has got a new tattoo - a naked picture of his wife Victoria. The soccer star's seven-inch artwork on his left arm features the Spice Girl lying on her back surrounded by stars and bearing her breasts with her knees raised
Asia Argento tattoo
Now that is one freaky angel tattoo. Asia definitely has some of the coolest set of tattoos I’ve ever seen.Asia Argento tattooAsia Argento tattoo
Ana Beatriz Barros tattoo
Ana Beatriz Barros tattooBeginning in the late 1990s the lower back tattoo became popular, especially among young women. Lower back tattoos are often oblong in shape, following the slope of the back on either side of the woman's spine. The lower back tattoo is body decoration with the intent of emphasizing sexual attractiveness. Generally, a lower back tattoo will be designed to emphasize the
Pamela Anderson tattoo
Pamela takes the number five spot because she is the proud owner of one of the most tattooed images. Everyone had a barbwire tattoo in the 90’s, and Pam was a big reason for that. Even Ben Affleck had a barbwire tattoo before he had it changed to a rose bush, haha.Pamela Anderson is having all her tattoos removed, it has been reported. The 40-year-old actress is said to think the body art will
Sun Tattoo
Sun tattoo is very popular and common that it is hard to find a distinctively unique sun design. There are many reasons why so many people choose sun symbol for tattooing. It is various according to the person’s culture, beliefs, and personal preferences.The most common reason why the sun tattoo is still very popular in the first place is that the sun symbolizes vitality and the cycle of life.
Military Tattoo
The military tattoo has a long history within the various branches of military service in the United States. Soldiers view the tattoo as a sign of commitment to their fellows and as an identifying mark. Divisions and brigades take pride in their own symbols. Every soldiers look forward to the day when they can wear that symbol and hold their head high.The longest and richest military tattoo
Feminine Tattoos
Feminine tattoos run the gamut from small flowers to large designs, and this feminine tattoos gallery shows the range. If you're trying to decide on your own feminine tat design, use these images to jumpstart your creativity, but be sure to add your own personal touch.Female tattoos – or tattoos that are feminine in design, and are usually favored by women or girls – are becoming more and more
Angel Wings Tattoo
Have you always wanted a pair of angel wings? A lot of people fantasize about having a pair of angel wings as they can represent a wide vareity of symbolism and important values to the bearer of this great tattoo. So what do your angel wings tattoo represent? It is really up to you and below we will explore some of the more common meanings and symbolism behind the angel wings tattoo designs.Angel
"Fuck Court"
Here's a heart warming story for you, at the age of 14 this guy was sent to juvenile hall for aggravated assault with fatal consequences, there, he asked his juvie friends to tattoo on his forehead the phrase "Jebać Sąd" (Fuck Court [though, "jebać" is significantly stronger than English "fuck"]). Why ? As he explained "I felt harmed by the court's decision, during the assault I was with two of my friends but they weren't sent to the juvenile hall like I was.". So where's the twist ? Now, he's 21 and he decided to change his life. He will end his sentence in 2010, but in orded to get a fresh start he needed to have his tattoo removed. Although his cell mates mock him, he had it removed (by a painfull skin stretching followed by cutting out the tat).
A Girl's Gotta Spa! has Moved
Dear Lovely Readers,
We've moved! Hooray! While this site will still be up for eternity I sure would love to have you come over to the new place we call home:
Welcome to my new readers from Nailpro Magazine and Trendi Magazine! Please be sure to click over to my new domain!
If you subscribe via email or through a feed, please be sure to update them via my new subscribe page on my website (yes I even have a website too!)
See you there!
A Girl's Gotta Spa! has Moved
Dear Lovely Readers,
We've moved! Hooray! While this site will still be up for eternity I sure would love to have you come over to the new place we call home:
Welcome to my new readers from Nailpro Magazine and Trendi Magazine! Please be sure to click over to my new domain!
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A Girl's Gotta Spa! has Moved
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Tips on Choosing the Right Tie for Men's Formal Attire
A necktie or tie is one of the most loved fashion accessories for men. Although it’s only just a small piece of clothing in a man’s wardrobe, it takes a big part in making his business attire look complete and best. It also has a great impact on his character and personality because it signifies that he has a good taste in fashion if he chooses the right tie that works well with him.
With so many choices for which tie to select among huge variety of style, design, color and patterns, it's really tricky and complicated to pick out the perfect one. So to help you out in choosing the right tie that best suits for you and complements well with your attire, here are some tips that you must take in consideration.
1. Consider the quality of fabric
When choosing a necktie, your first main concern is the quality of its fabric as well as the kind of material it has used. A good quality tie is made up of 100% silk. So it’s most recommended to buy a silk tie because you can’t go wrong with its luster and glossy that will definitely give you a polished appearance and perfectly complement your formal attire. Aside from this, it’s also durable to use because this kind of fabric will certainly last much longer.
2. Choose the Right Length of tie that is proportion to your height
Selecting the right length of the tie is another important key that should be considered when buying this kind of men’s fashion accessories. A tie can make or break your whole attire if it’s not proportion to your height. So if you are tall, you will look best if you choose a long tie and vice versa if you are shorter.
According to fashion tie experts, the best way to know the right length of the tie that best suit to your height, is that the triangular point at its wide end should meet your bucket when it’s tied properly around your neck. As much as possible, the tip of your tie should extend ½ inch past to your belt line.
3. Complement the Color of tie to your Dress Shirt or Suit
After choosing the quality and the right length of the tie that best suits for you, the next thing you need to consider is its color. Selecting the appropriate color of the tie should be matched with the color of your dress shirt or suit. So it’s necessary to know how to coordinate well its color to your attire for you to have a right balance and harmony.
For Plain White Dress Shirts
Any colored tie will match with a plain white dress shirt. So you will never go wrong in choosing in any of your tie especially if you are still in any doubt in dealing with its color combination.
For Colored Dress ShirtsThe best way to complement a tie with your colored dress shirts is to create a contrast. Basically, if you have a dark dress shirt, it’s recommended to use a light colored tie. On the other hand, if your dress shirt has a light color, you should use a dark colored tie. Wearing the same color of tie and dress shirt is also possible provided that the tie should be either lighter or darker with the color of the dress shirt.
For Stripped or Checkered Dress ShirtsIf you have a stripped or checkered dress shirt, just select a tie with a color that matches the dominant color of the stripes or checks in the dress shirt.
4. Coordinate the Pattern of tie to your Dress Shirt
Dealing with patterns is really hard in choosing the right tie that matches well with your dress shirt. Unlike with plain dress shirts that only included the color coordination while choosing a tie, ties for the stripped or checkered dress shirts must also consider its pattern coordination. That’s because patterns can also turn you down if they are not well-complemented so you really need to be very careful in coordinating them.A tie with box pattern, pin or polka dots can be matched to a stripped dress shirt. For checkered shirts, you can also wear a tie with diagonal stripes. But be sure to choose a color that complements well with the dominant color of the dress shirt before dealing with patterns.
And you must also consider the size of the stripes or the checks. Always remember that they should be different with the size of the stripes of your dress shirt to avoid looking dizzy. If you still in any doubt in dealing with patterns, just better consider the basic rule which is creating a contrast. So if you’re wearing a patterned dress shirt, just wear a solid colored tie and vice versa.
As soon as you get the tie that looks well with you, it’s really important to know how to tie it properly. This is your last step and the best key to look at your best with your tie.
(Photos are courtesy of their respective websites)
Tips on Choosing the Right Tie for Men's Formal Attire
A necktie or tie is one of the most loved fashion accessories for men. Although it’s only just a small piece of clothing in a man’s wardrobe, it takes a big part in making his business attire look complete and best. It also has a great impact on his character and personality because it signifies that he has a good taste in fashion if he chooses the right tie that works well with him.
With so many choices for which tie to select among huge variety of style, design, color and patterns, it's really tricky and complicated to pick out the perfect one. So to help you out in choosing the right tie that best suits for you and complements well with your attire, here are some tips that you must take in consideration.
1. Consider the quality of fabric
When choosing a necktie, your first main concern is the quality of its fabric as well as the kind of material it has used. A good quality tie is made up of 100% silk. So it’s most recommended to buy a silk tie because you can’t go wrong with its luster and glossy that will definitely give you a polished appearance and perfectly complement your formal attire. Aside from this, it’s also durable to use because this kind of fabric will certainly last much longer.
2. Choose the Right Length of tie that is proportion to your height
Selecting the right length of the tie is another important key that should be considered when buying this kind of men’s fashion accessories. A tie can make or break your whole attire if it’s not proportion to your height. So if you are tall, you will look best if you choose a long tie and vice versa if you are shorter.
According to fashion tie experts, the best way to know the right length of the tie that best suit to your height, is that the triangular point at its wide end should meet your bucket when it’s tied properly around your neck. As much as possible, the tip of your tie should extend ½ inch past to your belt line.
3. Complement the Color of tie to your Dress Shirt or Suit
After choosing the quality and the right length of the tie that best suits for you, the next thing you need to consider is its color. Selecting the appropriate color of the tie should be matched with the color of your dress shirt or suit. So it’s necessary to know how to coordinate well its color to your attire for you to have a right balance and harmony.
For Plain White Dress Shirts
Any colored tie will match with a plain white dress shirt. So you will never go wrong in choosing in any of your tie especially if you are still in any doubt in dealing with its color combination.
For Colored Dress ShirtsThe best way to complement a tie with your colored dress shirts is to create a contrast. Basically, if you have a dark dress shirt, it’s recommended to use a light colored tie. On the other hand, if your dress shirt has a light color, you should use a dark colored tie. Wearing the same color of tie and dress shirt is also possible provided that the tie should be either lighter or darker with the color of the dress shirt.
For Stripped or Checkered Dress ShirtsIf you have a stripped or checkered dress shirt, just select a tie with a color that matches the dominant color of the stripes or checks in the dress shirt.
4. Coordinate the Pattern of tie to your Dress Shirt
Dealing with patterns is really hard in choosing the right tie that matches well with your dress shirt. Unlike with plain dress shirts that only included the color coordination while choosing a tie, ties for the stripped or checkered dress shirts must also consider its pattern coordination. That’s because patterns can also turn you down if they are not well-complemented so you really need to be very careful in coordinating them.A tie with box pattern, pin or polka dots can be matched to a stripped dress shirt. For checkered shirts, you can also wear a tie with diagonal stripes. But be sure to choose a color that complements well with the dominant color of the dress shirt before dealing with patterns.
And you must also consider the size of the stripes or the checks. Always remember that they should be different with the size of the stripes of your dress shirt to avoid looking dizzy. If you still in any doubt in dealing with patterns, just better consider the basic rule which is creating a contrast. So if you’re wearing a patterned dress shirt, just wear a solid colored tie and vice versa.
As soon as you get the tie that looks well with you, it’s really important to know how to tie it properly. This is your last step and the best key to look at your best with your tie.
(Photos are courtesy of their respective websites)
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