Many times it doesn't matter how much lotion you are slapping on your skin, if you are not exfoliating your skin on a regular basis, your skin cannot absorb all the benefits your moisturizer has to offer. This is due to your pores being clogged by the dead skin cells your skin has shed. Clogged pores makes your skin look dry and know that flaky skin look? That look is never "in."
Besides the normal places to exfoliate like your face, legs and arms; have you remembered to exfoliate your neck? Exfoliating your neck is often ignored. If you exfoliate your neck, it will give you a fresher look. What about your elbows and knees? I remember all too well what it felt like to have cracked, flaky elbows. It hurt to have dry skin in this area. Knees need to look polished too. You could be wearing that killer red dress, but when your dry knees peak out, it completely takes away from how gorgeous you look. What about your feet? Have you looked at your heels lately? This is something that needs to be taken care of daily, as dry cracked heels look pretty on no one. Also, exfoliating your feet before applying sunless tanning lotion helps prevent streaking. What about your lips? You can't have a great pucker if they are scaley and peeling.
Some of the benefits of exfoliating are:
- It's ability to improve texture of your dull skin, making it more vibriant.
- Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Sloughs off the dead skin cells your body has shed.
- Unclogs pores.
- Keeps skin healthy, thus helping to prevent break-outs.
- Helps retain your tan when you exfoliate before slapping on the sunscreen.

Body and Face Spa Polish: This products comes in two scents; CSpa in the 4oz tube and Kiwi Cooler in 9oz. This product can be dually used for both face and body. I primarily use it for my face. It contains moisturizing micro jojoba beads and pulverized cosmetic grade walnut shells.

Lipscription: One tube contains AHA and jojoba beads to scuff away dull chapped lips, while the other tube is a balm containing chamomile and Vitamin E to soothe and soften.
So what are you waiting for, reveal that beautiful vibriant you just waiting to make it's grand entrance!