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In only a few short weeks I will be visiting in NYC. It all seems unbelievable really when I think about it. Here I was, back in August '06 blogging about an ad that totally pissed me off. Steve Hultgren of Pierce Mattie took notice, wrote a post on their blog that I got upset about, which landed me calling him and so our relationship began. You would laugh too knowing how mad I was that day and how things have completely changed ever since. In fact, we think it was fate.

I have to believe that Steve has given me a chance of a lifetime. Where else can you blog for one of the top PR firms in the country? Not only that, I don't have to compromise on the whole WAHM thing. I get to be the mom I have always wanted to be to my kids and be home with them, while doing something great at the same time.

The thing I love about Steve (who is the President of Pierce Mattie PR) is that he is brutally honest with me. He'll tell me when I wrote a crappy post, but many more times he will encourage me and make me see the potential that lies within. I talk to him several times a day and this has made me come to know him pretty well. My gosh, I would even say I love him. That seems so funny to say considering what I was muttering under my breath back in August. Of course, I mean I love him in a friend-way for anyone out there that would think weird crazy thoughts. My husband is probably sick of me talking about Steve, but he is someone I greatly admire and consider more than just my boss, but my friend. Bosses can lead you, but a friend can guide and encourage you.

In recent weeks I have started to come to know Pierce, and if he reads this he will probably laugh when he hears that I sometimes feel intimidated by him. Not in a bad mean way, but because of who he is in this business. I obviously know that every time I write a post I represent him and his firm. That is a pretty heavy weight on my shoulders and not something I take lightly. So many times I am nervous that I am not good enough, but then I'll hear, "I love this post!" and I can breathe a sigh of relief. One thing I have learned about him, is that he is a human being as much as I am. :)

It's pretty cool to be a sort of outsider and yet be able to connect with Steve and Pierce each day. I have to say that I honestly love this job and it has filled me with such passion that I never realized I had.

So when I know I am heading to NYC the first weekend in March and get to have my hair done by Alyn Topper with many other perks (including a fabulous hotel stay) because of Pierce Mattie PR, I can't help but be overwhelmed. I'm excited to meet Alyn, of which I am a fan, I'm excited to do things I never do here back home (like put myself first!) and I look forward to walking into the offices of Pierce Mattie PR to meet everyone and finally feel like part of the family. Well, I already do, but you know what I's different when you get to actually see everything and everyone in person.

I'm sure there will be people who post a comment that I am ass kissing. That seems to always be the way when I write a glowing post about something or someone. But no matter what anyone thinks, this little fish is sincerely happy to be swimming with the big fishes.

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