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Review: Korres Hair and Scalp Scrub You On Here » » Review: Korres Hair and Scalp Scrub

Between my pregnancy hormones wreaking havoc on my skin and hair and this super cold winter weather, my scalp is so dry. This was the first time in my life that I actually had dry skin coming off my scalp into my hair. I was mortified. I tried so many deep conditioners hoping that it would resolve the issue, but unfortunately the outlook for flakeless hair was looking dim.

Then I received a boxload of products from Korres, one being their Hair and Scalp Scrub, an intensive treatment with green silt and corallina oligoelements (no I could not really pronounce that last word either). It's definitely decent in size, 5 ounces, but the green color can make you nervous that you are about to embark on putting something from the swamp in your hair.

The bottle has a pump, so that you don't overdo it with too much product. I have long hair, so I used about 4 pumps to cover my hair root to tip. I probably could've used more, but the directions don't tell you how much should be used.

I loved the scent. It was unique, almost a cross between a fresh clean scent and the natural scent of silt. I rubbed the product into my scalp and rubbed it throughout my hair. It was very light feeling, almost like putting a feather-light conditioner in your hair. I kept it on for 10 minutes and then rinsed it out. It washed right out of my hair, without leaving any residue behind.

The difference was seen and felt when I noticed my scalp was no longer itchy and that the flakiness was considerably less. After a few more uses (once a week is recommended), I noticed that the dryness of my scalp and all of the flakes were gone. I also have color treated hair and didn't notice it to take any toll on my color.

Definitely a product for those who suffer from a dry itchy scalp!

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