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Review: Sharon Bolton Scents Dream You On Here » Review: Sharon Bolton Scents Dream

Everyone knows I have been a long time fan of Sharon Bolton Scents; my gosh she was one of the first few companies to send me products to review way back when. So of course, I would not surpass writing a review on her recent concoction, Dream.

Dream is a mix of bergamot, white freesia, and mimosa with accords of sandalwood, amber and exotic musk. When you first apply Dream, the exotic musk is the first scent that presents itself. When I was younger my mother had a musk scented perfume she kept in our bathroom closet. As soon as I took in the fragrance of Dream, I was immediately taken back to being 10 years old and playing with my mom's perfume (unbeknownst to her). What a great memory.

Wearing Dream makes me feel like I am right there on the California coast walking the shore line on their gorgeous sandy beaches. It's like the wind through your hair as you take in the salty air.

Dream is a limited edition fragrance and can only be found at Harmony Lane. If you've tried this fragrance I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

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