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ReVive: Moisturizing Renewal Cream You On Here » ReVive: Moisturizing Renewal Cream

I know I am not laten with wrinkles, but I am very aware that my skin is aging. My face sags in places it never did before, fine wrinkles seem to pop up everyday and there are plenty of days I just don't want to be reminded that I am almost 34. Shortly before Fashion Week I began trying ReVive's Moisturizing Renewal Cream. I always seem the most skeptical of expensive creams ($165), but when I began getting compliment after compliment on my skin, it made me a believer.

ReVive's Moisturizing Renewal Cream is a night cream that is not as thick as it looks in the jar. It is a "dry" kind of night cream--meaning I felt no oily residue as I smoothed it over my skin. It just seemed to absorb as quickly as I applied it. The Moisturizing Renewal Cream contains glycolic acid, so while your skin is being hydrated it also utilizing this exfoliant to shed your dead, dull skin cells.

When I met David Evangelista he was flabberghasted when I mentioned my age and how many kids I had during our conversation. He genuinely asked, "Really? You Look 12! Wow, I thought you were college-age let alone in your 30's with 4 kids! Your skin looks amazing. You really look so much younger."

I know I keep posting this same picture over and over, but not only did my makeup look outstanding (thank you Lancome!) but my skin looked ridiculously fabulous too!

This is great stuff and I cannot deny it based on the results.

*Photo Credit: ReVive

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