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Review: C'watre Kanreki Wash You On Here » Review: C'watre Kanreki Wash

C'watre is a very unique and interesting beauty brand. Their products revolve around using modified sea water (Odoroki) to promote healthy skin. Since I've never seen a surfer with bad skin (have you?) I figured I would give their Kanreki Wash a try.

C'watre's Kanreki Wash is a combination of Odoroki, skin moisturizers such as aloe and sweet almond oil; exfoliants Pinetree Extract and Salicylic Acid, as well as the anti-oxidant, White Tea Extract. The consistency is very thin when you smooth it over your face to wash away the day's impurities. When you rinse it off, your skin is left feeling clean and tighter--like the sensation you get when you use toner.

I've been using it for a few weeks and I have to say, it has been working very well. My skin seems to breaking out less, is less oily and just seems more balanced overall.

If you've tried it, I'd love to hear what you thought.

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