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LOTD and "Perfect C" You On Here » , , , » LOTD and "Perfect C"

I think I'll start with my LOTD, which isn't so extraordinary as maybe my previous LOTD's.

I've apparently catched a flu, so my eyes look a bit ill, and I don't want to draw much attention to them. I am also tired, since my baby is probably sick too, so he was awake most of the night. And so was I.

But anyway, my simple, quite neutral LOTD:


MAC Painterly p/p
MAC Polished Ivory pigm.
MAC Vintage Gold pigm.
MAC Deep Purple pigm.
MAC Vanilla pigm.
MAC Blacktrack fluidline
MF FLE mascara

Oh, and I take my harsh words back from the Polished Ivory pigment! I love it! I think it's a bit "bone-ish" color, really pretty neutral, and it's actually easy to work with. You gotta pay attention when you apply it so won't get major fallout, but otherwise it sticks well, blends well and look great.

Then I was playing around yesterday night.

Anastasia from Lipsticks and lightsabers once said something about my "perfect C-shape" in my makeup, and I first didn't get what she meant. Then I did some random look, and saw the C-hape thing.
Yesterday I did a scifi makeup with perfect c-shape *g*

Yeah, I know it's not great, it was my first time trying my eyebrow wax.
MAC Painterly p/p
Nyx Jumbo eyepencil in Milk
Nyx pearl mania in Silver
MAC Vanilla pigm.
MAC Dark Soul pigm.
MAC Polished Ivory pigm.

And one more look I did yesterday night, I wanted to try my new MAC Moss Scape p/p:

MAC Moss Scape p/p
Nyx Jumbo eye pencil in Milk
MAC Polisher Ivory pigm.
MAC Mineralize eye shadow Fresh Green
MAC Deep Purple
MAC Antique Green
Gosh velvet touch eyeliner in Lemon Soda

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