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DSI to Sponsor Eugene Richards at ASMP Tues Nov 10th You On Here » , , , » DSI to Sponsor Eugene Richards at ASMP Tues Nov 10th

An Evening with Eugene Richards

Eugene Richards is a photographer, writer, and documentary filmmaker who is best known for his books and photographic essays on such diverse topics as breast cancer, drug addiction, poverty, AIDS, and emergency medicine. He is the author of fifteen books, the most recent being The Blue Room (Phaidon, 2008), a collection of his photographs on abandoned houses in rural America, as well as A Procession of Them (University of Texas Press, 2008), which confronts the plight of the institutionalized mentally disabled. His current book project, War Is Personal, is a documentation in words and pictures of the consequences of the Iraq war.

In his talk, Eugene Richards will discuss the many book projects he’s undertaken since becoming a photographer nearly forty years ago, as well as his forays into filmmaking and advertising work. His main focus will be his latest publications, A Procession of Them and The Blue Room, both published in Fall 2008.

Location: MASS BAY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, WELLESLEY HILLS CAMPUS | 50 Oakland Street, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481
(781) 239-3000 | directions

Parking: Parking is free with permit. Please download and print the permit PDF, and remember to display it on your dashboard.

Time: Social hour begins at 6pm. Presentation begins at 7pm.

* You must pre-register to be eligible to win a door prize.

Pre-register Online Now!

$10 members and students
$20 for non-members

At the Door:
$15 for members and students
$25 for non-members

Sponsored by Digital Silver Imaging and Ava Art

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