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Barbie Volturi and other oddities You On Here » , , , » Barbie Volturi and other oddities


I've been way too lazy lately. I haven't even taken pics of my LOTD's :D I also did a makeup for a friend of mine, but didn't take pics :S

But anyway, I'm gonna give you looks for fun. :D I'll start with a look I did for my new sweet lobster jewellery/container/thingy:

Then I wanted to be like Babie, 'cos that girl is like um, is like... like... well she's so awesome and she like has everything and she's like sooooo pretty and all!

Ohwell, it's quite horrible <3

Then Felicia asked me to do a recreation of Twilight Saga: New Moon's Jane Volturi's makeup.
First of all, I have to say I'm really not a fan of Dakota's makeup in the movie, Jane is supposed to be childlike character, not gothlike :S

But I decided to do my take on the look.
So here's Dakota Fanning as Jane Volturi:

I HAVE to point out how badly the makeup is actually done! O_O
Seriously, for starters, didn't they have tweezers? And ever heard of blending? And what is going on under her eyes, is that foundation? Seriously.

But anyway, here's my take. I decided to use gray and black, and my red contacts. I also left my eyebrows quite light:


And one pic with blond wig:

And one with my own hair:

Then the same pic tuned to match the whole New Moon theme:

I also have to show you my new jewellery (necklace was in the barbie pics already though):

But that's all this time. Postman didn't bring me anything this week, so I hope next week will bring me something fun!

PS. Would you be interested of a giveaway? I have MSCHIC's AWESOME Face canvas, Mineral Miracle powder, X rated mascara and Astral Shine eye stain without loving home, anybody interested? I might add something else in the package too!

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