Wow, already so many comments in my giveaway post O_O
You are just wayyyy too awesome, you do know that, right?
But you're here too see makeup, so let see makeup ;D
Today I wanted to make a matte look, so I chose MAC Unsquare (still my favourite brown) and SMH's Teal Tuesday.
Personally I loved this color combo ( I've done other looks with brown and teal before too):
On lips is MAC's Viva Glam Gaga with Gosh's Soft'n'Shine Lipbalm in Aubergine:
(had to show my nails <3)
And as I have read from my giveaway comments, my tutorials seem to be quite popular :D
So this is a tutorial, if you have only eye pencil, mascara and perhaps MAC Young Punk eyeshadow (optional) AND only 5 min (or less) time.
So here's the finished look (with Young punk):
What do you need (aka. what did I use :D )
Urban Decay Zero eye pencil
(MAC Young Punk eyeshadow)
First the natural (messy) eye:Then HEAVY lining on upper and lower lid and waterline:
Then we blend the black with a small brush:
Like this:
Then we just add mascara, and we have a SUPER easy smokey :D
Then we can add MAC's Young Punk on top of the black:
And there we have it. It's definately not perfectly blended or anything, but it's done in couple minutes:
That's it, remember the giveaway , keep leaving comments 'cosI looove reading them, they are so lovely and couraging!