Like I said in my yesterday's post, I also got my order from Fyrinnae:
- Pixie Epoxy primer
- Red Panda (mini)
- Boytoy (mini)
- Still Breathing (mini)
- Dokkáfyr (mini)
- Týr (sample) (freebie)
- Fanservice (mini)
- Ryunome (mini)
Red Panda:
Still Breathing:
And swatches:
So I've had a lot of questions of how do I do my brows.
I have to say that I'm probably the worst person to say anything about brows, since I just year ago learned that brows are important part of makeup too :3
But anyway, I show you how I do my brows, maybe someone fids it useful :3
My brows without any color:
Finished brows:
Here's what I use to do them:
MSCHIC browpowder in Dark Blonde and MSCHIC's brow brush.
I start from the "inner corner", making the brow a bit thicker in this end:
I also draw the line a bit upwards:
Then I do sorta "new line" that goes downwards, and get thinner towards the end:
Finally I wipe the excess color away with my finger:
And brow is done!
Last I put up three photos of the look done with Sugarpill's Burning Heart palette:
Obliviously I used some photoshop to lighten my pics and change eyecolor, but the shadows were really that bright :D Smoke in the pictures is actually real smoke, I really had a hard time to try and take pictures, and not to cry when the smoke went in my eye :D
But anyway, that's it this time!