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Answers, part I You On Here » , » Answers, part I

I divide these post in two parts, since my answers were a "bit" longer that I thought :D

So here's the first questions:

Anonymous said...

If you could use only one colour (and of course all of its shades) for your eye make-up, what would it be and why ? And also it would be cool to know what your ultimate favourite make-up brand is.. and why :
Tricky! Right know I guess I have to say brown. Or purple. Both colors have such a variety of shades, that they wouldn't go boring soon. 
My ultimate favourite makeup brand.. I guess I'd have to go with MAC. They have such large range, usually great quality, and they come up with cool ideas.

princessfats said...

I would LOVE to know what your photography setup is like, and how your pictures are so amazing! Camera, lighting, etc. 

dannibby526 said...
I'd love to know about your camera settings. I have a Canon EOS 50D as well and would like to know how you manage to get such amazing shots.
 Like said, I have Canon EOS 50D. Usually I use the kit lens that came with the camera, which is 18-200 mm.
My flash is external, Canon Speedlite 430EX II. I have a ring flash adapter from DealExtreme which I always use with makeup photos, if I use flash at all.
Settings vary greatly. It depends if I'm taking pictures indoors, outside, of full face, just the eye...
If there's enough light outside, I'll try to take my photos in natural light. Sometimes sunlight just isn't enough, and I have to use also the flash. Sometimes sunlight just isn't available (*g*) so I have to just with flash.
I recently discovered, that setting "A-dep" works quite well with ring flash adapter, both indoors and outdoors.
I also use automatic, manual, portrait and almost all the other modes, if nothing seems to work :3

I also want to make a note, that sometimes I take 100 photos of ONE look. Maybe one of them is good enough, maybe two, maybe none of them. :D

Miryam Oquendo said...

1. Including the use of the internet, did you teach yourself how to apply make-up? 
2. Is make-up artistry just a hobby of yours or have you ever considered taking this somewhere? Because you're SUPER good at what you do. 
3. What was your inspiration? What got you hooked on make-up? 

 1. I have to make a confession:
I've never really watched a single tutorial on internet. Not on blogs, not on YouTube. maybe to get inspiration, but not as "student".
So yes, over the years, I've teached myself completely to do makeup. As a child I always loved coloring books, but I never really liked drawing, 'cos I wasn't really good with it. Still the same thing: I love playing with colors, on paper and on lids, but I don't like to draw. I guess that's why eyebrows or lip lining aren't my strongest thing :P

2.  Yes, I've considered it. It's just that in Finland the whole makeup industry is so small, that you have to be trained professional to get a job. So I should first go to private makeup school (which costs several THOUSANDS, apparently 8 months is 7900 euros, somewhere around $10 000!), get the papers, and THEN I MIGHT get a job :S Like, Jesus.
So, unless I get REALLY lucky (either win in lottery or get noticed by some head honcho) I'll be here, writing this blog. Or maybe I'll get a job at McDonald's :S

3. I originally started with face painting. I don't know where did I get the idea, but I bought face paint palette, and started playing with it. Sometimes someone wanted me to to their makeup for  some LARPs or something, but I didn't consider myself very talented in it.
Instead, I always thought that I was talented in makeup application, even if I weren't :3
Many years my makeup was always the same: unplugged eyebrows, too light foundation and huge amount of matte powder, brown lips and purple eyeshadow.
I got compliments of my looks (for some sick reason), and I started to try and impress people even more.
I took photos of my makeup daily, and always wanted to do something different. Different colors, different techniques, different placement.  And by the time I got better.
I found new brands, new products, and I got interested in skincare and eyebrows and all the stuff I'd ignored before.
I got more compliments, and I wanted to do thing even better, to get even more compliments :D
I discovered that I really am quite good in doing makeup, and that inspired me even more.
And here I am. :)

More questions can be asked, I'll answer them in next post!

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