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I know you're all waiting for a makeup post, but I give you something else first:

I love.

I always thought Lush was the best thing you can take with you to the shower, but then Ana from lipsticks and lightsabers raved about Luxury Lane Soaps, and well...

I'm a geek, and a girl, so geeky soaps are just wayyyy too awesome!
I got Portal Companion Cube soap for myself, Transformers Decepticon soap for my husband and as a christmas present to my friend as well as Fight Club soap also for a friend. I also got Star Wars Han Solo Soap in Carbonite by accident, but I love it too!

Though I have to make a small  confession.
They are still in my shelf, not ever opened. looking good, smelling awesome.
I don't want to use them!
They are way too awesome and pretty and cool and sweet and all to just USE :D

Get them from:

 My friend also approves, I got him the Decepticon and I am Jack's Soap as a chrismast present:

I wrapped them in a package looking like this (it says merry christmas in finnish) :
( Inspired by THIS of course)
I promise I post about makeup soon too!

you on Coming Geeky Clean
related postComing Geeky Clean for you .

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