No, just a few changes on CQC I want to explain you right now:
Beginning from this year my little baby goes advertising! Long time ago the idea of ads on my blog was nothing for me to think about, but as time passes by we’re changing our point of view – sometimes, right?! CQC is still growing and to keep it alive I’m going to work with some advisedly selected clients. At the moment CQC works with advertising partners like ACNE, OKI-NI, LN-CC, SSENSE, URBAN OUTFITTERS, LUISA VIA ROMA, COGGLES and TOPMAN. I have tried to choose some of the best online stores and retailers and I hope you still like what you see as there are few ad-banners placed on CQC. The first one starts from the top of the page and will be the most important one, followed by the rest at the bottom of the page (after the post section, the info and the link section). I also thought about Google AdSense, but I don’t want to spam you with ugly, unspecific and system generated advertising – that’s why I’ve chosen to select the clients by myself.
Nothing really innovative – but something new on CQC – are two new social bookmarking tools: You’ll a find a FACEBOOK »LIKE« and a »TWEET« button from TWITTER right after each post to simply share your love for CQC and its content with your friends.
Like the alternation of day and night CQC is going to change its background colour from now on. For those of you who regulary browse the web by day you’ll see a light and bright coloured background, but all of you night owls will notice a dark apocalyptical coloured area behind the content. The colour changes from black to almost white – step by step – within 24 hours!
I hope everybody will like these new features and changes and I’m still wishing you all a Happy New Year!
Best, Rob ❤