The Key Secret To Great Tattoos!Tattooing is a booming industry and growing every single day. Now there are even TV shows dedicated to the art that are catching fire. When you look around, tattoos are everywhere! Now you see them on people you know, see them in advertisements, and even on famous celebrities. So what makes a great tattoo? Of course it is great design, but there is one very big component that is critical to a really stunning and beautiful tattoo.
What is this component to a great tattoo?
Tattoo shading is the part of the tattoo where a two dimensional tattoo becomes a three dimensional tattoo. It is the part of the tattoo where flat lines take shape and holds a certain degree of depth to make the tattoo "pop" out. There is even a whole style of tattoo shading now that focuses only on black and grey color, just black and white.
If a tattoo artist does not learn the technical yet critical aspect of tattoo shading, then a tattoo just falls flat. It is as simple as that. This one aspect of tattooing can be learned but it takes some real practice and some technical skill. Mastering tattoo shading and becoming known for doing great black and grey tattoos can really boost a tattoo artists reputation in the tattoo industry. Those who have mastered tattoo shading at an expert level are very well revered and respected.
Now there are great information resources online to help aspiring tattoo artists. Of course, the best way to really learn the skills is through an apprenticeship, but gaining the basic knowledge is first and foremost of importance. Learning all you can about tattoo shading and other steps in the tattoo process are key and luckily information is gaining in popularity. An example of a great source or brand for tattoo information is "The Ultimate Tattoo Guide" series. These guides help budding tattoo artists get the basic tattoo knowledge needed to start tattooing including aspects like tattoo shading, etc.
So if you want to break into doing great tattoos that will get make people turn their heads, it is CRITICAL to master the art of tattoo shading. Without it, a tattoo is just not a real tattoo...a piece of real art.
By Stephen Brown
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