What to Look For in the Artwork You SeeThere are a lot of truly good printable tattoo designs out there. There is also a boat load of terribly generic stuff out there, which drastically reduces your chances of finding the places that have the good artwork. Here's how you can tell if you're in some half generic gallery, or at a website that take pride in having original, high quality printable tattoo designs.
The very first thing you should do is take a look at their information page, or their about us page. You need to see if they are actually labeling their artists names, or at list listing them. If a gallery isn't afraid to tell you who the actual artists are, that means they will have mostly original, top notch printable tattoo designs. On the flip side of this, if they don't list artists, that gallery probably just steals generic artwork from anywhere they can get it and plops it on their pages.
Next, pull up one page of their artwork. Is it all flash designs? Flash looks very pretty and people can make some amazing looking designs in this format. The truth is that flash very rarely looks anything like what you see on paper. Once you ink a flash design on your skin, it will look completely different than what you see on paper, which is not a good thing. 95% of the time, it will look drastically worse than what you imagined it would. You don't want to mess around with those types of printable tattoo designs, unless you have an artist redraw it.
Hand or computer drawn artwork is always the way to go. Real artists know how to make a design that will look the same once it's tattooed onto someone's skin. That's the type of artwork you want to pick from. If the gallery lists the artists on their site, you can grab those names and do some quick research to see where else they've submitted artwork, which is an awesome way to gather even more printable tattoo designs. You won't believe how many sensational galleries you can find this way.
By Adam Woodham
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