Getting a Sexy Ankle Tattoo Design Gives You the Choice of When to Show It OffTattoos are always a sexy addition to any girl's outfit. Ankle tattoos have the benefit of being easy to hide away, so you can show that sexier, wilder side of yourself when you want to. Simply putting on socks or taking them off changes your image drastically with a sexy ankle tattoo design22.
When you've made the decision to get a tattoo on the ankle tattoo design, visit a few tattoo parlors in your area to see if you are comfortable with the cleanliness of the parlor and to see what custom designs they offer. Each tattoo parlor runs by their own sanitary standards since laws on them are very lax. Besides that, each tattoo artist has their own style and how one inks might not be the same way another inks. Be sure to shop around, because if you go to the wrong parlor you might come out with an ugly ankle tattoo design rather than a sexy ankle tattoo design, and that would ruin the point entirely.
Do you want your tattoo to be more cute than sexy? Or do you want it to just ooze sexiness? Different designs project a different image of your personality. Some cute sexy ankle tattoo designs for girls are: hearts, stars, musical notes, flowers, or a butterfly or two. These designs on your ankle are still sexy, but give off a more playful feel. If you want your sexiness to really shine through your ankle tattoo, Chinese characters, wrap-around vines, or a tribal design really look good. There are endless possibilities for a good sexy ankle tattoo design.
The leg and ankle area is an especially sensuous part of the body, and getting a sexy tattoo only heightens that. Beautiful and sexy legs are always adored, and when you're wearing shorts or a skirt the sexiness really comes out. To show off your sexy ankle tattoo design, whether you're wearing pants or something shorter, wear a pair of sandals or strap heels. If you have to wear tennis shoes, go for low tops to at least show a little or half of your tattoo. The affect that your sexy ankle tattoo has on the people who see it cannot be understated. In some cases, you may even be seen as an entirely different person.
Like with any tattoo on any part of the body, know when to show it off. If you work in an office, it's probably not a great idea to come in showing off with sandals unless it's Casual Friday. The real problem with showing your tattoo off at work is that you may get some unwanted attention. But of course there are some people, at work or somewhere else, that you want to see your sexy ankle tattoo design. It's up to you when to show it off.
By Lindsy B. Emery
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