Celtic Dragon TattooAlthough today the emblem for Wales is a Celtic dragon tattoo, the early Celts had nothing to do with dragons in their early times, if we are to refer to their artwork. It appears that the dragon was brought to the Celts by the Vikings. Somewhere in Wales history there is a story about a battle between a white and a red dragon. The red dragon is used as a representation of Wales and the white dragon are the invading Saxons. So a white or a red dragon can have different meanings.
This is of great importance to the tattoo world. If you are interested in getting a Celtic dragon tattoo then you should know that a red dragon, according to the story which was mentioned earlier, represents anger and a white dragon represents death. Usually a dragon tattoo is pretty complex, especially if it is a Celtic dragon tattoo. This is why you would look for a design on a larger scale. Probably the best place where you could get it would be your back. Getting a small one would look pretty bad in my opinion so I would suggest that you choose a large one.
Because of its size and because of its complex nature it can be pretty expensive to get one. This is why you should think well about what design you choose when it comes to colors. The more colors you use the more expensive it will be. If you find a design and you are not sure that you can afford it you should go and talk to a tattoo artist, preferably to one that specializes in Celtic tattoos, because such a design wouldn't be easy to make and you wouldn't want it to come out differently than what you expected after paying so much money.
By John Sheppard
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