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Polished, moisturized skin begins here You On Here » Polished, moisturized skin begins here

Looking for healthy, good for your skin products all in one kit? Jordan Essentials offers two different gift sets to suit your needs.

Fantastic 5: This is a multi-purpose bath and body gift set. It contains a 9oz. Shower Gel, Soap Saver, 20oz. Salt Scrub, 4oz. Shea Butter, Lotion Bar and Bath Scrunchie in a wire bathtub basket. This is the set I most often use at my Spa Shows for when demonstrating our Hand Spa's and Foot Spa's.

To polish those rough, dry cracked hands, simply add one quarter shower gel to your soap saver and three quarters water. This will create a rich, silky foam that you pump out to wash your hands. Next use a dollop of salt scrub and work it into your hands, exfoliating all of the dry dead skin. Once you've rinsed that off and dried your hands, apply a pea sized amount of Shea Butter and then seal it in with the Lotion Bar. You also repeat this same process for your feet, leaving both your hands and feet silky smooth.

Naturally, the shower gel, bath scrunchie and salt scrub can be used in your bath or shower, the shea butter can be used all over your body and the lotion bar on your elbows and knees. This set is $66.50.

Looking for something a little less expensive?

The Salt, Butter and Wax set offers the Salt Scrub, Spa Glove, Shea Butter and Lotion Bar in a wire tub basket for only $49.50.

Either way, you are sure to have soft, healthy, touchable skin.

Where to purchase:
Listed under Gift Set tab.

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