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6.8 You On Here » » 6.8

When I say 6.8 I don't mean on the rickter scale.

I was told yesterday at my ultrasound appt. that my lovely baby was already 6.8 pounds. If you have never had children, that might not sound so bad...however, I have 4 weeks to go until my due date. 6.8lbs today translates into giving birth to a toddler 4 weeks from now. It means being on the Maury Povich Show along side the woman with the 200lb 2 year old.

Let me add that I am only 5'1". If you could only see me...I look like I inflated the largest beach ball known to man and shoved it under my shirt. The largest beach ball that also happens to weigh 6.8lbs right now in my very short body.

I'm told if I go to term he may be 10lbs. Dear God help me. Someone better give me a medal if I have a 10lb baby. Better yet...Isaac Mizrahi designing me a lovely luxury diaper bag may be even better. Hmm. I wonder if my husband would object to me changing our son's name to Isaac...

you on 6.8
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