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MAC's Mouthing Off Sandra Bernhard ad You On Here » MAC's Mouthing Off Sandra Bernhard ad

I am so disappointed in MAC.

I really didn't pay much attention when I heard that Sandra Bernhard made an internet advertisement for them, because honestly? I don't like her. However, when I was watching a news channel, they played the ad and I almost fell over. The part that got my attention?

"little freaked out, intimidated, frightened, right-wing Republican thin-lipped bitch."

What? Is MAC trying to tell me that their newest product, PlushGlass, isn't for someone like me?

"Little freaked out.." Sometimes, but when you are a mom, when are you not freaked out by something?

"Intimidated..." Sometimes, by people with a crass attitude and a big mouth.

"Frightened..." Of not ever having enough lipgloss...

"Right-wing Republican thin-lipped bitch..." I assume when she says "right-wing" she is basically saying "Conservative Christian," which, yes, that is very much me.
Republican, yes again (but it doesn't mean you always agree with the party-- please don't send hate mail).
...well I do wish my lips were a little plumper.
...according to my husband I can be that too.

I take great offense to that ad and honestly, I absolutely believe it was intentional. Mainly to cause a buzz to get everyone talking about the ad, which then leads more people to look at their website, which then makes non-"little freaked out, intimiated, frightened, right-wing Republican thin-lipped bitch" women to want to laugh and high five MAC and buy more of their products and so on. Ok, not all, but I'm sure there are some. Don't get me wrong, there are fantatics on both ends of the political wire, so I don't want to sound like I am knocking my Democratic friends.

Do I think they meant what they said? Probably not, it is all a marketing strategy. All a way to create a buzz.

Still, I am so disappointed that a brand as great as MAC would sink so low.

Click here to see the original ad on You Tube. What do you think of it all?

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