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Review: tarte's Little Blot Book You On Here » Review: tarte's Little Blot Book

When I was in Manhattan, a friend had mentioned that tarte's Little Blot Book was the ultimate in shine control. As a girl whose shine sometimes affects even those wearing sunglasses, I knew I had to try it. Shine, with me, has been a never ending battle.

When I received my Little Blot Book, it indeed looked like a book. Adorable, yet stylish. When I popped it open, there was a decent sized mirror, mattifying powder, a small brush and blotting papers. It's compact, yet still gives you an enormous amount of product.

I am an ingredients fanatic, so it impressed me to find out that the mattifying powder contained: Vitamin E and A, Green Tea, Chamomile and Aloe. So I could control shine and nourish my skin? Excellent!

So does it work?
Yes! In the morning, I use the blotting papers, brush on the powder, then apply my loose powder over it. The mattifying powder feels very light, so you don't get that caked on feeling when you add loose powder later. I only had to touch up a few times during the day and the shine control lasted for hours. Love it!

This is a product I now carry as a staple in my handbag. My battle with shine control is now over.

Another product from tarte that I have heard great things about is their cheek stain. Have you tried it? Let me know how it works!

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